In this page you will find the current situation for all pre-orders, if you need further information please feel free to contact us at

 Item Current Situation Estimated Shipping Date
Bananasaurus Split Plushie Production Finished, on it's way to us. (Customs Retained) September 2024
Bananasaurus Split Vinyl Figure Custom Clearance Mid Agusut 2024
Bananasaurus Split Enamel Pins Packing and Shipping Before August 2nd
Bananasaurus Split Stickers Packing and shipping
Before August 2nd


Currently the Bananasaurus Split Plush Toyis still on its way to us, unfortunately we've been having some trouble with Mexico Customs, since it's our first time importing from China, we are being requested more papers than usual from our Government, and the communication back and forth has been a little slow, we should be receiving them before mid september. We understand no one should wait this long for a plush toy, but there has been situations that it's out of our control, we apologize again for this and all the inconveniences this has caused, and we kindly ask for a little more waiting time. 

In a way to try to compensate the situation we will be including for free an exclusive Bananasaurus Split Clay Charm and an extra sticker. We understand this doesn't solve the delay, but we hope this makes the situation a little less stressful. Thank you so much for your patience guys, and again, my sincere apologies for all this delay, we are working hard to have them here ASAP.

This page was updated on July 24 2024.